Pinch me, I need to wake up

So the strangest thing just occured to me. My last blog post was in March 2013 - a good 5 years ago - which also coincides with my preparations to relocate from Nairobi, Kenya to Gulu, Northern Uganda to start a new assignment with Oxfam. I ended up moving to Uganda in April, and as part of joining Oxfam I changed my work computer from a Macbook Air to a Thinkpad running Windows - in compliance with the organizational policy at that time.

Prior to this I had been solely using Macbook for all my computing for just over 12 years. (I decided to try out a Mac after a spanking new, slim, slick and beautiful Sony Vaio laptop got stolen from my hotel room in Tanzania while I was attending a conference.)
Needless to say I never looked back after switching to Apple and went through 3 different Macbooks over the pursuant 12 years. So, here I am, April 2013, going through the trauma (believe me it is) of changing from full time use of a Macbook to full time use of a Windows based machine. It took quite some time but after several months the transition was complete and I was happily chugging along doing all my work on this platform.

Three years after the move to Uganda (after completing my contract with Oxfam) I found myself headed to the warm heart of Africa, Malawi to take up a new assignment at the helm of SimbaNET Malawi a newly formed company that was part of the Wananchi Group of Companies headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. Once again, due to company policy, I found myself working in a Windows environment, on an HP Pavilion laptop. It has been 2 years since then and  have just about had it. A month ago I started the search for a replacement computer with one unbendable condition - it had to be an Apple. I must confess that I was quite pleasantly surprised at the variety of laptops that have come out over the past 5 years. From the Macbook Air 11' all the way to the latest Macbook Pro 15' with Touch Bar. with the Macbook 12' in between and all the variants of 13' from Macbook Air and Macbook Pro.

I have (very luckily) come across someone in Malawi selling their 3 month old Macbook Pro 13' with Touch Bar, and it has exactly the specs that I was looking for. The excitement in me is unimaginable
and it seems to have unlocked (or maybe I should say unblocked) whatever it is that had stifled my blogging/writing/creativity. This is what has struck me as very strange, peculiar and rather odd. And seemingly is the pinch that has "woken me up".
